How to build the Indoor worm farm

by Mike
(Canberra Australia)

Can you please give the instructions on how to make the indoor worm bin from bucket as shown in the picture here
or can I buy one of these ? I am in Australia so I do not know if you ship there and am having trouble navigating this website to find shop?

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Apr 03, 2019
re: How to build the indoor worm farm
by: Stephan

Hello Mike,

thank you for your interest in our indoor worm farm. Although I have published more than 1200 freely available articles on the adverts that are showing on my pages are just covering a fraction of my costs to maintain and keep the website up to date with new valuable information.

Therefore I can not give all my information and secrets avay for free which I hope you understand.

Although we could send you an Indoor worm farm to your home in Australia it would cost you probably more in postage and possible import tax than the worm farm itself.

However I suggest you consider purchasing a copy of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" which is available as a "printed version" as well as a "Kindle Version". And both will contain a detailed step by step instruction list for the Indoor worm farm as well as lots of helpful information that will enable you to run you worm farms smoothly and if you want make some extra cash with them on the side as well!

Both are available through the links on my website and will cost you a fraction of the costs to import the worm farm to Australia.

The printed version will cost you $8.95 and the link to the sales page of the book is

The Kindle version will cost you at the moment $4.54 and the link to the sales page is

I trust this information will help you Mike.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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