How many worms will I need to recycle all my dog poop?

by Chanda

Hello I have recently found out about thee usefulness of worms and would like to start a worm composting. My question is I have two large dogs, two medium dogs and one small dog. How many worms would I need for them to eat all that poop? Also can you give them older poop I ask because I got a land mine outside right now. My last question is how big of bins would I need or how many smaller ones. I live in Texas and will need to be able to to put them somewhere warmer or colder depending on the day. Any advice would be awesome!

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Jan 30, 2017
RE: How many worms will I need to recycle all my dog poop?
by: Stephan

Hi Chanda you got quite a lot of dogs :-)

We used to have 3 at one stage and they, despite all the joy and love they brought into our lives they produced as well a lot of dog poop.

As a rule of thumb you can expect 1 kg/ 2.2 pounds of compost worms to consume on average 500 grams / 1.1 pounds of dog food per day it it is in the right condition ie. soft. So you should weigh the poop that your worms produce on one day to get an idea how much waste you are dealing with.

The worms can eat old dog poop as well but it would be a good idea to soak it in some water for a few hours, than drain it before you add it to one of your worm farms.

Once you worked out how much dog waste you are working with let me know and I can tell you what size of worm farm you should be looking at.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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