How many worms will I need to dispose of my organic waste?

(Orewa, New Zealand)

My tiny house guests produce about one 20 litre bucket of waste per month. How many worms would I need to get to dispose of this in two weeks

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Feb 12, 2021
Re: How many worms will I need to dispose of my organic waste
by: Stephan

Hello Phil,

your message must have slipped through one of the cracks in the system. So I only found it today.

Now I am not sure what tiny house guests you are referring to and the answer is not that simple because there are quite a few things to consider when one wants to work out the number of worms needed to recycle certain amounts of organic waste.

Apart from the volume/weight of the wet waste the climate as well as the kind of waste and the state it is in play a role as well as the type of compost worms you have at your disposal and the size of the bin you can offer to your worm herd.

But to give you a ballpark figure to work with you should aim for at least 6000 Eisenia fetida (Red wriggle) worms to compost 20kg of waste per month.

You will not have to start with that many worms as compost worms will multiply rapidly under favorable conditions.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards and God's richest blessings for you and your family.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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