How can I make my worms recycle more dog waste

by Tonya

Dog poop recycled in a worm bin

Dog poop recycled in a worm bin

My worm farm seems to be working but very slowly and not keeping up with the dog waste..what can I do other than get another one.. It is the tumbleweed pet poo one.
We have 2 great Danes :-)


Hello Tonya,

the speed of recycling in a worm farm depends on the kind and condition of the worm food that is offered and of course on the quantity of worms in the bin. I am not sure how long your worm farm has been running and how many worms you got in your bin.

I think that your worm farm can hold about 2000 worms if it is a single bin system. Those worms should be able to recycle a maximum of 2.5 to 3.5 kg of dog poop per week if the conditions are ideal. I suspect that your 2 large dogs will produce a lot more dog poop than that! If you want to be sure about the quantities of poop your worms will have to deal with you could collect the waste for a week and put it on a scale.

Although compost worms are blessed with a great appetite there is only so much they can eat per day. So if your worm farm has been running for a year or longer and it is not coping with the amount of waste you are adding than your only option would be to add another worm farm with more worms to reduce the pressure on your existing worm bin.

Wishing you all the best

Stephan Kloppert
Author of: "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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