How big should the worm farm be?

by Stephan
(Cape Town and Radevormwald)

Dog poop recycled in a worm bin

Dog poop recycled in a worm bin


we are running a hotel for dogs which produces about 32 liters /8.5 gallons of dog poop per week.

How much space should we allocate to a worm farm to successfully recycle all the dog poop our animals produce?

I am looking forward to hear from you and am thanking you for your assistance in advance.

Kind regards



Hello Simone,

A hotel for dogs sounds good. I think I should come around with my 4 legged family member and check it out one day :-)!

Recycling of dog poop with the help of earthworms is an excellent idea, environmentally friendly and might even generate some extra cash when you want to sell excess worms and the produced worm castings.

Compost worms will under ideal circumstances consume half their body weight of food every day.

If you work with a population of about 10000 worms per square meter / 10.76 square feet in a worm farm you should have a worm farm of at least 4 to 5 square meters to successfully recycle all the dog poop your dog hotel produces.

If in doubt rather leave some extra space available in case you need to expand your worm farm. If you are short of space keep in mind that you have as well the option of stacking several worm bins on top of each other.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards and all the best for your recycling project.

Stephan Kloppert

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