Horse manure worms for a composting toilet?

by Noel

Hi, I got a composting toilet. The worms are all gone (beach house, I haven't used it for a while). But I also have a maturing bag of horse manure, it's full of worms, can I throw them into the composting toilet, are they likely to be the same type of worms or do I need precise human excrement worms?

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Jan 01, 2023
Re: Horse manure worms for a composting toilet?
by: Stephan

Hello Noel,

the composting worms that you have inside your bag of horse manure should be just fine to be used for your composting toilet. The compost worms should be fine as long as they are exposed to a relatively similar climate (ie: the environment should neither be too hot nor cold).

Let me know if all goes well.

Kind regards and happy worming.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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