Horse Manure used green in worm farms?

by Rexx Mann
(Jackson, TN, USA )

Green horse manure as food for compost worms

Green horse manure as food for compost worms

Hi, I have a horse farm where we pick 13 stalls out daily. It does have some shavings/sawdust in it. I'm just getting started with my research and developing a plan. I like the CFT Bins, but wanted to know if it was possible to add the manure daily as it comes out of the stalls. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Rexx

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Nov 21, 2022
Re: can green horse manure be used in worm farms
by: Stephan

Hello Rexx,

Horse manure is generally quite a good food for compost worms and it can also be fed relatively fresh/green to worms as long as one takes care of a few things.

1. There should ideally be no or at least as little as possible worm pee in the horse manure as this can be harmful to compost worms
2. Fresh Horse manure stored in bulk can heat up and become too hot for compost worms to live in. If they can't escape the heat, they will either have to leave the worm bin or perish.

To get some more insight into the subject I suggest you have a look at the 3 articles below from my website that deal with the composting of horse manure with the help of worms.

I trust that reading them will assist you in getting a better understanding of the subject.

If you have further questions after you read them, please feel free to contact us again.

Kind regards and God's richest blessings


Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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