help to granule the vermi compost

by Hojat zakipour

Hi dear

I'm Hojat from Ardabil ,Iran.
I have a vermicomposting reactor and I want to granule the vermicompost fertilizer. Can you help me?

Hello Hojat thank you for your message.

You should try to push your finished worm compost or better even the worm castings (worm poop) after you have harvested it through a sieve or a mesh like you find in a rotating harvesting machine shortly after you harvested it. This way the castings will crumble up into small granules while they are still moist.

Make sure that the casting granules stay loosely in your storage area and don't get compressed. Let the worm castings dry in the sun which will harden the little pellets.

Once the worm casting granules are dry and compacted you can package them in larger storage containers or bags.

To learn more about worm castings have a look at our page

Kind regards


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