by Stephan
Growing worms in pots together with plants is killing several birds with one stone. Whenever I plant seeds or seedlings of fruit and vegetable plants I usually add a few worms as well
Compost worms aerate the soil and by depositing their worm castings (worm poop) which is an amazing organic plant food in the soil they are making sure that the plant will always find nutrients in its environment. A while ago I started adding larger amounts of kitchen scraps to the pot that I am growing my Carolina Reaper plant in which is at this moment regarded the hottest chili in the world. I added an additional 50 worms to the soil and those worms as well as the plant are doing very well.
They are living in a mutually beneficial partnership. While the worms fertilize the soil and dig tunnels that allow air into the soil that make it easier for roots to grow and for water to penetrate the plant offers the worms protection from the sun and a save environment to live in.
As certain birds might get attracted by the presence of worms it is always a good idea to prevent them from digging in the soil. We achieve this by placing old egg cartons as well as one or more flat stones on the surface of the kitchen waste that we are placing on the surface of the pot. This way the worms cant be reached by their potential predators (watch out for thrushes they can cause havoc in a nursery) and the kitchen waste stays longer moist.
My Carolina Reaper plant is actually growing into a small tree with a diameter of more than 1.2 meters / 4 feet. It has developed a lot of fruit pods and many of them are in the process of changing from green to red.
I believe this way of worm composting and veggie gardening is another small addition to do our bit for our planet and its environment
Have a look at the video clip of the plant at our "Wormcompostinghelp Facebook page"
So why not start a plant worm farm today?
Happy worming :-).
Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"
Editor of
Search / Suchen
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