Giving dry food to worms?

by Stephan
(Cape Town and Radevormwald)

Hubertus from Germany sent us the following question.

some worm farmers offer dry food for worms. I think worms only eat decomposing materials. Which ingredients may be in this food, that the worms will eat this dry food?"
best wishes
Hubertus from Münster (Westfalia) in Germany


Hello Hubertus thank you for your interesting question/s.

You are quite right in your assumption that worms only eat decomposing materials! That's why they are beneficial in any garden and will not harm the roots of plants in any way.

Worms are breathing through their skin and it is important for them to live in a moist environment. Dry elements can stick easily to the skin of worms and could ultimately suffocate (kill) them. Thats why I wouldn't suggest to add dry food to a worm bin.

However the worm farmers you mentioned can still offer dry food for sale. This makes it easier and cheaper to transport. The food could be anything which has a high protein content like ground chicken feeds and be used to fatten worms to get them to grow to bait size.

I would still soak those dry food for some time in water before adding it to a worm farm to make it easier for the worms to consume and digest.

I hope that covers your questions!

Kind regards


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