by Marc
Mites in a worm farm
Hello Stephan.
Flies and gnats have invaded my worm farm. Please find pictures attached.
You have recommended elsewhere in the forum reducing the amount of moisture in the bin to address this issue. To provide some background, I poured 2 litres of water into the bin in November to address an ant infestation that had occurred, which soaked the soil and food scraps.
This moisture rectified the ant infestation, although was most likely the source of attraction for the flies/gnats (which appear to thrive in the very moist conditions). I have added limited water since, although the gnats have still stuck around (and multiplied) for over a month.
I have also added agricultural lime (agricultural limestone/garden lime) to shredded newspaper and dried grass to reduce acidity (which attracts the flies) while also soaking up moisture.
However, despite these steps, and no matter how many times I clean the gnats out (simply taking a wet cloth and wiping all the sides), there are always many more within a day or two. Accordingly, when providing a solution, please advise on a permanent solution that also eliminates the daily reappearance of these eggs and insects.
It also seems that the fact that the bin is not airtight means that the problem may reoccur frequently in future, even if I manage to clear this initial problem. Please advise on how to prevent infestations from reoccurring in future.
Thank you
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