Getting Rid of ants in a worm farm

by Steve
(South Africa)

Worm farm island! Prevents ants from entering a worm bin!

Worm farm island! Prevents ants from entering a worm bin!

Ants have invaded my worm containers and just keep multiplying. How can I get rid of them without harming my worms? Please contact me.


Hello Steve,

most ants are not a danger to your worms but are attracted to the sugars of the worm food that you have placed inside the worm bin. So they are more a nuisance than posing a serious threat for your worms. Nevertheless they will compete with your worms for their food and you might have to throw more food in than you want to.

There are a few ways to get rid of the ants in your worm farm. One of those is to add plenty of water to the surface of you worm bin as ants don't like it at all. However your worm farm must have a fully functional drainage system i place otherwise your worm herd might be in danger of drowning.

Once you got rid of the ants in your worm bin you can place your worms in future from ants by preventing them from entering ever again. Have a look at the article I published a while ago on my website that deals with the problem of ants in worm farms.

You will learn an easy way to prevent ants from ever entering your worm farm again. The URL to this article is

I trust this will help you.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of : 'How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of"

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