by Stephan
(Radevormwald and Cape Town)
Hello Stephan,
Just to let you know that I collected my worm farm today. The worms seems to be in good health. :-)
On your website you mention "free Set up instructions and free Maintenance instructions". I could not find any of the above mentioned, in the kit. Would a you be so kind as to e-mail it to me please?
You also mention free access to a Trouble shooting helpline. Would you mind sending me the link to that too, please?
Thanks and kind regards
Hello John,
I am glad you received your worm farm in good order.
I will attach the set up instruction sheet for your Midi Tower
worm farm to this message.
The troubleshooting helpline are the interactive forms on my educational
worm composting website that will enable you to send me any questions
or pictures you might have which I will than gladly answer for you.
To learn more about the subject of recycling food waste and other organic
waste with the help of compost worms read the set up instruction sheet and go to the site map of
You will find lots of information about worm composting related questions
on my site which should answer all your questions about worm farming and help
you to successfully recycle organic waste in your Midi Tower worm farm.
The interactive forms can be found towards the bottom of most pages of and any content filled in there will go directly to my inbox.
I wish you all the best and rich blessings
Kind regards
Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget."
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