Fly worm pooh compost as chicken food?

by Aino

We are starting to discharge in a hole in the land using just sawdust. Here is a six-month dry season and the water is scarce so we think it is a good option to save water. But the other day it rained and we just found a big colony of white fly worms that eat the pooh so fast. Well, today I fed the hens with them, and they love it but I wonder if it's ok and healthy for the hens and for me to eat their eggs. I suppose is and it's free chicken food but I can't find info to clarify this. Maybe you know something about it?
And good article

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Aug 28, 2024
Re: Fly worm pooh compost as chicken food?
by: Stephan

Hello Aino,

greetings to you in Mexico. I really like your idea to use your composting toilet system to reduce the use of precious drinking water.

Concerning your questions about the safety of eating chicken eggs that have been feeding on fly maggots that have been eating human manure I can't give you an answer with 100% certainty as I am not a scientist.

Having said this, chickens do generally love to feed on all kinds of maggots and critters. We have seen our chickens even swallow mice that they caught. The digestive system of chickens is as far as I know very good in destroying harmful pathogens. We have been eating the eggs that our free-ranging hens have produced and haven't noticed any negative health issues.

We always made sure that the eggs were whole without any cracks or damages and cooked them sufficiently to further reduce the risk of any bad bacteria surviving.

I suggest you do some more research and do some more research of your own to find out more about the subject.

I wish you a blessed day and all the best for your future composting projects.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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