Fishing with Dog Poo Worms

by Christine Scott
(Neptune, NJ, USA)

If I want to fish with worms from my dog poo bin, do I need to wash them first? I assume they are covered in dog poo germs since they have been living in and eating dog poo.

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Jun 27, 2018
Re: fishing with dog poop worms
by: Stephan

Hello Christine,

we have had a lot of fishermen using our worms raised in dog poop worm farms and can't recall anyone of them wanting to wash the worms before fishing. I don't think it would do any harm to wash them for a little while in a tub with clean pond water (shouldn't have any chlorine). Remember that the worms will be under water once on the hook.

If you are concerned about germs on your hands I suggest you wear some dishwashing gloves when you handle the worms, although that might become a little tricky when you want to place them on the hook.

I personally have often fished myself with dog poop bin worms and never experienced any health issues.

Kind regards and enjoy your fishing

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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