by Jim Belbeck
(Bethel Island, California)
I have concerns feeding my worms dog and horse manure. Many years ago (1976) or around then, I knew a person that fed his worms his neighbors horse manure. All his worms died, it was his sole income. The reason they died was due to his neighbor deworming his horses a week earlier,
I de-worm my dogs as well, I'm concerned about using the feces from either one. I have a concern about pathogens as I use my compost in my vegetable garden as well. Comments?
On another note: Everyone's favorite subject and my wife's nemesis, worm food. The best two foods I have fed my worms is pureed broccoli, and cooked oatmeal/corn meal combined they seem to love it.
The worse food was I pureed (I grind up all their food) was one half of a large cantaloupe. If I placed it in the bin whole it may have worked better. What I ended up with was a blob of stuff in a ball, very hard, I suspect the sugar hardened. The worms were all in the far corner at the bottom.
My opinion ends with, some foods work when ground or pureed, and some just don't.
Thanks Jim
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