Feeding animal carcasses to worms

by Hamid reza
(Tehran, Iran)

Hi my dear friend

I am looking into the production of worms.

The worms that we want to produce are supposed to be used for the treatment of a disease.

How can I produce worms from dead animal carcasses?



Dear H.R.A

thank you for your interesting question and your plan to recycle animal carcasses with the help of compost worms.

Compost worms will eat basically anything that has ever been alive and is now dead. This includes obviously dead animals as well. We have quite regularly added dead fish to our worm farms and the worms recycled them within a couple of days or weeks into rich organic fertilizer.

The problem you have to deal with when you add dead animals that might be covered with blood as well is that it usually attracts masses of flies which use the animal carcasses to lay their eggs in. In a short time you will have more flies around than you ever imagined.

The trick when feeding dead animals to worms is that the worm farm used must not allow flies access to the carcasses.

The animals can for example be covered with a layer of compost which will prevent flies to get to the rotting meat. But compost worms are top feeders so the carcass can't be covered with to thick a layer or the worms won't get to it.

If you are considering to feed animals to worms that have a lot of bones than you will have to either wait for a long time before the worms can finish the skeleton of the animals or you have to grind the bones down into a fine powder which would allow the worms to feed on it. Compost worms are toothless and only eat materials that they can easily swallow.

You should consider to purchase a copy of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" It can give you lots of assistance when you want to start breeding worms.

Kind regards and all the best from


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May 02, 2023
Re: Worm species feeding on animal carcasses
by: Stephan

Hello, we are using compost worms (Eisenia fetida) and they have been eating many big fish and birds here over the years.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Apr 27, 2023
Worm species feeding on animal carcasses
by: Anonymous

What type of worms are you referring to here?

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