by Stephan
(Cape Town and Radevormwald)
I am a new vegetable gardening enthusiast in the Kingdom of Bahrain
who is interested
in worm composting to complement the soil in the elevated garden beds I
installed at my home. It's a fun project I will use to teach my kids (and
myself!) a little about growing organic vegetables at home.
I have searched everywhere in the Kingdom of Bahrain for composting worms,
composting bins and composting accessories but I found nothing until now. I
am starting to worry the reason for such lack of vermicomposting products
may be due to an import restriction. Do you know if composting worms can be
harmful to the environment?
Can you ship composting worms to the Kingdom of Bahrain? If so, do you
think the worms will arrive alive?
Composting worms are generally environmentally friendly and would most likely not become invasive in a country with a hot climate and a generally dry landscape.
The worms need a moist environment to live in which should have as well a lot of organic material in it that they can feed on.
Worms can be transported in special boxes where they can survive for several week in. So a transport with a plain would be possible.
All countries have their own import-, health- and environmental laws. So you would have to contact the authorities in your country and find out if you would be allowed to import compost worms and how you would have to go about it.
If you get a positive response and are keen to import worms and worm farms you are welcome to contact us for a quote.
Kind regards
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