Comment: Hello, I'm new to worm composting. Have made some mistakes but have been able to make my worm farm successful. I thought the initial problem was not keeping enough "fresh" bedding. I tried another approach using a 5 gal bucket/cow and horse manure/and feeding vegetable matter to 2 pounds of European Night Crawlers. I cut a hole in the lid of the bucket covered it with screen material from a screen door. After 2-3 months I harvested the worm castings from my worm farm and found I only had a few worms in the bucket. Less then 100. I didn't find any dead worms. Never found any "escapees". The worm bin was kept in a laundry room and I never found or saw any worms on the floor,
I am unable to figure out where the worms disappeared to and why. Do you have any ideas?
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