Effect of chemotherapy drugs when vermicomposting

by Erika
(Melbourne Australia)

Compost worms are vulnerable to toxic chemicals like Chemotherapy drugs

Compost worms are vulnerable to toxic chemicals like Chemotherapy drugs

Do chemotherapy drugs kill worms when vermicomposting human waste?

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Mar 23, 2021
Re: Effect of chemotherapy drugs when vermicomposting
by: Stephan

Hello Erika,

first of all, I hope that you and your family are well.
Now concerning your question about the effects of chemotherapy drugs when vermicomposting human manure.
Chemo drugs are designed to kill cancer before killing the human being they are administered to.
They are dangerous to everybody coming into contact with them and will be still active days after they have passed through the body of the patient. Everything that came in contact with the drugs is potentially a health risk. Sweat, vomit, urine, feces, and saliva that are leaving the body of the patient will contain dangerous chemicals and can harm other human beings, pets, and even compost worms.

There are obviously many different kinds of chemotherapy drugs on the market and they will differ most probably in their effects on living organisms but they will still be active after several days inside their host's body and his / her body waste and fluids.

So I would advise not to compost fresh humanure that might contain leftovers of chemo drugs in an worm farm.

Wishing you and your family all the best and Gods richest blessings.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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