Dog-poop bin design

Dog poop added to a worm bin

Dog poop added to a worm bin

Hi Stephan,is there any reason why the pet-poop worm bin seems to be a single stage design as opposed to the multi-tier designs of the kitchen waste worm bins.


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Sep 06, 2016
Re: Dog poop bin design
by: Stephan

Hello Gary,

a dog poop bin can actually set up like most other worm farms in many different ways. We have done so ourselves as well over the years. You can use a single bin with a tap to release any excess liquids,
as well as a two bin system which assists you to physically separate the worm poop from the liquids or a 3, 4 or even an 7 bin worm farm where all the bins are stacked on top of each other. When you are planning to set up a dog poop worm bin or for that matter any kind of worm farm you must decide how much time you are willing to spent maintaining and harvesting your worm bin and what quantities of dog poop or other organic materials you intend to recycle in your worm bins. Each kind of worm bin set up has its advantages and disadvantages. While the multi bin worm bins make it easier to harvest the worm castings and don't force you to manually separate the worms from the worm castings when it comes to harvest time, they can sometimes easier be invaded by unwanted critters.

Contrary to that single bins that come with a tight lid make it more difficult for predators to enter the bin but you will inevitably have to manually separate the worms from the worm castings and start up your bin with new bedding when it is time to harvest the castings.

For some more information about this have a look at the following articles from my website.

Starting and maintaining a website:

How to harvest worm castings

The pet poop processor

I hope this information helps you to decide what kind of dog poop worm farm you would like to set up.

If you have any further questions about dog poop recycling or worm composting please feel free to contact me again.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of '

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