Dog Poop

by Linda


Can you tell me how much dog poop you can recycle in your dog poop worm farm? Thanks.

Hello Linda,

the amount of dog poop that you can recycle inside a worm farm depends on the size of the worm bin and the number of compost worms that are living in it. As a rule of thumb you can estimate that every 8000 worms can recycle about 1 liter / 0.26 US gallons of dog poop or food waste per day and a worm farm of 1 square meter /10.76 square feet can host approximately 10000 compost worms.

I hope these guide lines will help you to successfully recycle dog poop with the help of earthworms.

Kind regards
Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget."

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Aug 17, 2015
Re Dog poop and worm farm measurments
by: Stephan

Hello Adolfo,

thank you for your interesting post and your good point you are made. Worm farms need obviously a certain depth for the worms that live in it to be protected from both from hot and cold temperatures. But compost worms are top feeders which can usually be found in the top 10cm to 20cm / 4 to 8 inches of their bedding. They don't like to dig much deeper than this.

This means that nearly all your worms can be found in the upper parts of their living environment no matter if a worm farm is 50cm / 20 inches deep or 5 meter / 200 inches deep

So you are perfectly right that a worm farm can not consist of a 2D flat tray but the population and recycling capacity of a worm farm that has an acceptable depth of at least 12 inches or more will in most cases depend on it's length and width.

Worms don't like it to crowded and if the population density in their worm bin exceeds a tolerable limit they will not dig down to find more space for themselves but rather stop multiplying or crawl out of their worm bin if possible to find greener pastures with fewer worms competing for food.

I believe that your friend shows a big heart helping those abandoned dogs and giving them a home. If you want to find out the size of the worm farm and the amount of worms you will need to recycle all those dogs poop you should collect their waste on any given day and way it. With the numbers you get you can get a rough idea how big your worm farm should be to recycle all the dog poop and convert them into organic worm castings. These castings could actually make your friend some money as she could sell them as organic soil conditioner and plant food for rose gardens and other ornamental plants.

I wish you and your friend all the best.

Be blessed.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"


Aug 16, 2015
Dog poop + worm farm measurement
by: Adolfo

Hi: I am newbie

I am not clear on the measurements given:

"8000 worms can recycle about 1 liter / 0.26 US gallons of dog poop or food waste per day and a worm farm of 1 square meter /10.76 square feet can host approximately 10000 compost worms."

I don’t understand how the worm farm can be measured in 2D instead of 3D. Shouldn’t be a cubic measurement? A square measurement for the worm amount would seem as a flat tray with no depth.

A friend of mine began adoption stray dogs and now has 45 of them. I want to help her with the poop. Thus I wish to know the cubic measure for the compost farm to be able to follow the numbers given for the processing capacity.

Appreciating your attention to this issue,


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