by Julie
(Tallai, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia)
Hello, other sites have listed dog poo as a not appropriate as worm food, but that will likely be because the compost is used as fertiliser for vegetable gardens.
So my the idea of setting up dog poo worm bin just to get rid the dog poo (talk high it is a great idea)...and does the poo keep breaking down or do you need to remove the compost...and then where would you put this given its only dog poo compost? Thank you for your help
Hello Julie,
I know that many people have the opinion that dog poop should not be used as worm food but I can assure that it makes actually an excellent worm food. Worms love it and usually thrive in it.
The worm castings (worm poop) that are produced in a worm farm that recycles dog poo is an excellent soil conditioner and plant food. There are certain reservations to use it for growing fruit and vegetables but I would imagine it would still be better than using chemical fertilizers for my veggie garden. But if in doubt it definitely makes a great plant food for ornamental plants, lawns, roses and trees.
The worms will recycle the dog poop completely and will convert it into worm castings one of the finest natural fertilizers know to men.
Kind regards
Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"
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