Do I need to dilute the liquid that comes through the tap in my worm farm?

by Margaret

Do I need to dilute the liquid that comes through the tap in my worm farm before using it on my pot plants or garden shrubs?

Hello Margaret,

thank you for your interesting question. The liquid that drains through the worm farms is usually called worm leachate. If you have nearly no worm food left in your worm farm and most of your worm bin contents consists of processed worm castings than you can use it straight away for your plants if you want to. It will act as a natural plant food and will supply your plants with valuable nutrients. It is however quite fine to dilute it with about 5 parts of water to one part of leachate.

This diluted solution will still bring great benefits for your plants.

If you try to get some liquid fertilizer from your worm farms while they contain more organic waste materials than finished worm castings it is not advised to harvest leachate as the wet waste that is still unprocessed in your worm farm can add unwanted properties to the produced liquid that might not assist in the development of your plants.

As a general rule it is best to always produce worm leachate when your worm farm is containing loads of worm castings and minimal to no amounts of worm food.

The worm leachate produced in this way will be safe for plants to use and can be used pure or diluted with water.

To find out more about liquidized worm castings have a look at our page

Kind regards and happy worming


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