Do critters move upwards in a 3 tier worm farm?

by Kimberly Mennemeier

With the three tier method, do the other critters migrate upward during harvest also?

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Oct 06, 2016
Re: Do critters move upwards in a 3 tier worm farm
by: Stephan

Hello Kim,

The other critters like woodlice, springtails, mites, millipedes and ground beetles are always close to the surface of a worm farm amongst the worm food. They are part of the composting process inside a worm bin and supporting the worms in their recycling efforts. Their numbers will however decrease greatly once you stopped adding food to the worm farm to prepare for the harvest of the worm castings. In a 3 tier worm bin you will always harvest the castings in the middle bin while the worms and the other critters will be in the top bin doing their job.

The processed worm castings should be nearly free of other worm farm inhabitants and you should have no problem to harvest them.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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