by Lauren
Thank you for the info on worm composting! It was more helpful than any other information I could find. I still have a few questions.
I have had my worm bin for over a year and think I am still pretty bad at this. I received a homemade double plastic bin and worms from an experienced composting gal. By day 3 (after pouring in some healthy but not tasty veggie blended soup) I had a million baby worms and no idea what I was doing. I have realized in reading your article that I likely do not add enough bedding and do not keep my bin moist enough.
Here are some of my questions and I appreciate any help you may give.
1. I had plenty of full size worms, and a few months ago ordered another 1000 from Uncle Bens. Yesterday I had to turn all of my soil and mix it all up because of rotting food on top. There were baby worms in an advocado and I saw some big red worms, but probably only 20 or so. I don't see any dead or dried up worms and only a couple seem to have crawled out and died. Yet the scraps aren't being eaten quickly and I can't see many. Did I kill most of my worms?
I also finally decided to use only one bin without holes at the bottom and just try carefully to not drown them. For a year I was not getting ANY compost tea which I didn't mind, but there always seemed to be a good number of worms that had crawled through and were hanging out likely dying in the slightly moist under bin. Were they crawling down there because my bin is too dry? Or because I have too many scraps and not enough paper/cardboard/leaves? Is it alright to have only the one bin without holes at the bottom if I don't care for the compost tea anyway?
Through the year+ I continue to see baby worms, but they seem to grow very very slowly. I rarely see mid-sized worms. Does that mean I am continually killing most of my worms?
I do have fruit flies and little round bugs that I don't mind as I assume they help with the breakdown since I don't chop my scraps or have a shredder (I hand shred). Is this a sign of any problem however?
Thank you for any help you can offer! I don't want to give up but I feel I am making a terrible mess of a fairly simple process.
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