Composting Worms For Pit Toilet

by Abee
(PIcton, Ontario, Canada)

Hello, can composting worms be added to a pit (dry) toilet and will they consume the human waste that goes in there every day? Thank you, Abee

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Jul 04, 2022
Worms for use in a porta loo
by: Anonymous

My son uses a porta loo . Where can I buy worms to put in it? I have heard that they will eat the faeces and toilet paper. Is this true? And where can I buy them in Australia

Nov 03, 2020
Re: Composting Worms For Pit Toilet
by: Stephan

Hello Abee,

thank you for your interesting question. We have been worm-composting human manure for years now and had so far no mentionable problems with our system yet. So I am certain that you will be able to use worms to for your compost toilet. I suggest you add some carbon-rich materials like old toilet rolls or crumbled up old newspaper to your waste from time to time to produce some air pockets and some hiding places for your worms if they desire to get away from the poop from time to time. Below you will find the URL to one of several articles we have published about the subject of worms and human manure.

I trust this will help and wish you all the best for your dry pit toilet.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of ""

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