Composting dog poop

by Nathalie
(Garner, NC)



I am interested in using worms to compost dog poop. What size of a container would you use if we have 2 dogs (1 medium breed, 1 large breed).


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Apr 22, 2017
Re: composting dog poop
by: Stephan

Hello Nathalie,

as I have dogs myself I am aware of the amount of waste they can produce. I get inquiries about the recycling of dog poop regularly and apart from the sizes and quantities of dogs there are a few other variables like the quantity of worms and the temperature to take into account to determine the size of the worm farm needed to recycle all.

As I guideline I would suggest you should get a worm farm with a surface area of at least 1 meter square / 11 square feet to be able to recycle all your dog poop.

There is a link to a page that deals with this issue as well. It is

Have look at this article of mine. You will find even more information about feeding dog poop to worms when you search for the term in the "Worm composting search engine" that you can find close to the top left on all of the pages of worm composting Open any of the pages of my site and type
the words "dog poop" into the search window at the top left. If should bring you all the articles about the subject that I have published about it over the years.

I trust this will help you to get your dog worm farm started.

If you have further questions or would love to let me know how your worm farm is doing you are welcome to contact me anytime.

Kind regards and God bless

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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