Composting dog poop of 300 dogs


Composting dog poo in a worm bin

Composting dog poo in a worm bin

Hi there,
I am currently volunteering at a dog rescue centre in Greece, there are 300 dogs here and never enough funds!

I had the idea of turning the dog poo into compost as a way to deal with the waste and create much needed money for the dogs.

But I'm sure you can understand that's a lot of poo to deal with every day. I wouldn't even know where to start something on such a scale.
What kind of space would be required for this quantity.

Given that it gets very hot here in the summer and has very mild winters. Would this effect the time it would take to have a finished worm compost? Thanks.

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Feb 07, 2023
Watch out with to compost
by: Anonymous

Sorry, but that guy just tries to sell his book, so sad.

Be careful, the compost from dog Poo is dangerous to sell (for veggie gardeners)
And with stapling you risk too much heat (and it's labor-intensive)

A good idea to get rid of the poo by using worms, but if you're looking for some money, keep a breeding group (not o dogshit) and sell those worms partly. Success

Dec 14, 2016
Re; feeding poop of 300 dogs to earthworms
by: Stephan


yes, I am aware that dogs produce a lot of poop on a daily basis. With your 300 dogs, you can expect more than 100kg of dog poop every day.

To recycle that amount of waste on a daily basis you would need an area of about 100-meter square just for the composting and about 900 000 worms. It sounds like a lot but it can all be done. Keep in mind that the space required can be reduced if you recycle in worm bins that are stackable which would allow you to compost the dog waste on a much smaller space.

If you can't recycle everything in the beginning don't worry! Start small and as the worms multiply you will be able to feed them more and more. The finished worm compost or worm castings make an excellent soil conditioner and plant food for all lawns and decorative plants and trees.

The warm temperatures are good, in general, you just should protect the worms from overheating. All that and more information how to start a worm business can be found in my book. It's a small investment and you should be able to rake in much more than this in a short time.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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