composting dog poop from 2 dogs on the roof?

by leon

Recycling dog poop with earthworms

Recycling dog poop with earthworms

Hello we have 2 dogs that reside on the 3rd and 4th floor which usually do their dumpings (dog poop) on the roof.

It would be cumbersome to carry down the dog poop to ground every time.

Is there any way I can build a composter on the roof without having to bury it?


Hello I understand your predicament and agree with you that it would be best to place a dog poop composter directly onto the roof. There are many ways to go about this. Worms are generally not fussy and if you follow some basic rules you can provide them with a worm farm where they can recycle the dog poop that your dogs produce.

Have a look at the following page it is one of several articles that I've written about worm farms and will describe how you can build a cheap worm composter at home. To find more articles that might help you have a look at the site map of

Kind regards and good luck with your dog poop recycling project.


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