by Ladislav
Hi, while I am absolutely with you on the matter of worm composting, recycling and organic farming (gardening), I am most annoyed with your statements about Climate Change!
Why don't you do a bit of a research and stop regurgitating this theory about Global Warming? The temperature did NOT rise 2.5°C in the last century, and to say it will rise up to 21°C in the future is not true!!!
Does it not bother you that average surface temperature did not change in the past 17 years contrary to IPCC's predictions?
Does it not bother you that after WW2, in times of high industrial activity rebuilding destroyed countries, when a lot of energy was used, the temperature was actually dropping up to the 1970-ties?
The carbon dioxide does not drive temperature up, nor it is a pollutant. It is a plant food and thanks to increased levels of it in the atmosphere, the major world food crops are showing increased yields despite IPCC predicting failing crops and hunger. There are also satellite images showing the planet is greening. I agree, we need to protect the environment, as there are far too many of us (and counting...), and we can not keep using the natural resources the way we did in the 20th century.
But do it through worm farming, recycling, using less (or stopping all together) the use of artificial fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, limiting land fills and plastic pollution. Do all that. But PLEASE leave the Global Warming theory out of it!
Cheers Ladislav from Melbourne Australia
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