Climate Innovations Researcher

by James Cheselemi Wafula
(Kitale, Kenya )

Nice article. Please take care of the typhos though (i.e the spelling mistakes) such as "ad" instead of "add" and "worming" instead of "warming".

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Nov 06, 2019
Re: Climate Innovations Researcher
by: Stephan

Dear James Cheselemi Wafula,

thank you very much about your feedback about our website.

Could you please specify which of our articles (or URL's) you are referring too so we can have a look at it and see how we can correct any misspellings?

We do have nearly 1000 articles on the Internet and it will be nearly impossible to find the article you are referring to if we don't have the title of the page or its URL:?

Your feedback is really appreciated as it helps us to improve our websites.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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