Cardboard in worm bins

by Ron

Hi! I keep reading about using cardboard as worm food. I am wondering about the chemicals in cardboard.i have read that newer news print is more earth friendly. But cardboard?

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Sep 01, 2020
Re: Cardboard in worm bins
by: Stephan

Hello Ron,

Corrugated cardboard boxes are unfortunately around a lot and can be found all over the place. There are many ways people deal with them. Some burn them, others just throw them away, and thankfully more and more people are recycling them one way or another.

One of the ways one can deal with them is to add them from time to time to a worm bin. Compost worms love them as they are helping to create air pockets to their worm bedding, offer safe places to hide in, and are a good source of fiber for them. We have fed many of our worm herds with corrugated cardboard for a long time now and have not noticed any adverse effects on the worms yet.

Are you concerned about the safety of the worms in your worm bin or the resulting worm castings?

I wish you and your family a blessed day.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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