by Morgan
Hello I have a question about "Dry urine diverting toilets (U. D. D. T. s)", sometimes referred to as "composting toilets" which is actually a name for something else. Can worms eat and recycle the contents of those toilets?
These toilets work by having feces mix with a considerable amount of matter more or less the same as the various worm beddings suggested and the urine is diverted into a bottle for separate disposal.
Since chicken waste was ruled out - presumably due to urine and feces all being mixed as one, but not sure if that's the only reason why - just wanted to check for sure.
And, since people tend to eat pretty acidic diets and worms don't fare well in acidic conditions, it seems possible that worms may not like this particular waste if the acidity is retained in the feces. -
just a starting reference for what these toilets are. -
One of the other kinds of toilets confused with urine diverting dry toilets. -
another effort toward which some various other kinds of toilets may be designed that might be confused with either of the two previous types of non-plumbing toilets.
So, can worms eat the contents of these U. D. D. T. toilets (minus the urine)? If so, how often should how much be added... say for a typical family of 4 or 5, how often should they contribute their toilets' contents?
Thanks for your time, Someone with a Question :)
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