Can worms recycle dog poop?

by Stephan

Good morning

I have started a worm farm last year april and it is going very well, I just
want to know if I can use a similar bin and the same worms for composting
pet waste? I have two dogs and the waste is getting so much and I would
rather want to recycle it back into the soil than on a rubbish dump.

Kind regards


I am glad your worm farm is doing well.

I agree wholeheartedly with you. Throwing dog poop away and sending it to the landfill is a shame and will pollute the environment. Worms love dog poop and in fact thrive on it!!

You can use any kind of worm farm and the same worms to recycle dog poop.

You must just make sure that the poop is moist so that the worms
can feed on it.

Recycling dog poop with earthworms is easy and works really well!

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget."
Editor of

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