Can worms eat Cat poop?

by Ida

Cat poop in a worm bin ready to be consumed

Cat poop in a worm bin ready to be consumed

What kind of worm should I use for cat poop?
I have 10 cats and I feel terrible to throw away their poop. Maybe these worms can help me and recycle the poop of my cats?

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Jan 25, 2017
Re: what worms to use to recycle cat poop
by: Stephan

Hello Ida,

Wow 10 cats is a lot of love and joy I think but as well a lot of cat poop :-) ! Yes there are worms that love to feed on cat poop and the right worm for the job is going by many names, Red wiggler,Red worm, Tiger worm, to mention only a few. But the best way to make sure that you are getting the right worm is to use its scientific name. It goes by the name of "Eisenia fetida" and can be found all over the world. So you should hopefully be able to get a batch of worms from a supplier in Indonesia.

Have a look at our Worm-business directory Indonesia to see if there is a supplier listed. The URL is

For more information on worms feeding on dog poop have a look the following article of mine. It can be found at

If you have further questions please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards and God's blessings


Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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