Can we add more worms to our worm bin?

by James

2 mating compost worms

2 mating compost worms

Good day Stephan

Hope you are well.

I want to find out if we can put more worms in our worm farm, We have a lot of kitchen waste that we produce in our kitchens and would like to recycle it all.

At the moment the worms are not coping with the amount of food waste we are giving to them.

The other question I have, must I put every time we feed the worms some shredded paper on top of the fruit?

Thank you,


Hello James,

nice to hear from you. Yes you can add some more worms to your worm farm.
They will multiply eventually but if you are in a hurry to recycle all your kitchen scraps there is no harm done by adding more worms.

No you don't have to add shredded paper on top of the food after you added it to the bin.

It is a good practice though to add a thick soaked newspaper on top of the food. It will act as a natural barrier against flies etc. and will keep light out of the worm bin which will enable the worms to feed right on top of their food pile which they often like to do.

Kind regards


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Mar 02, 2020
Adding new worms
by: Greg

Do you add the worms to the feeding layer, or to new soil in the "toilet" layer?

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