Can I use dog food as worm food?

by Bill

Hi can you use dog food as worm food?

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May 09, 2018
Re: Dog food
by: Stephan

Excellent way to make use of your excess puppy food. The worms should actually love it. Especially if it is wet food.

May 08, 2018
Dog Food
by: Anonymous

I am using the pellets now as we had puppy food which is very rich. Our then puppy got to the point where he could no longer eat the rich food and we moved him to adult. I still had 40 pounds of expensive puppy food to then throw out so I decided to use it with the worms. I add a handful every other week and so far I have had no problems!

Feb 19, 2018
Can I use dog food as worm food?
by: Stephan


you posted an interesting question. Now dog food can be divided in soft foods and hard foods (pellets). Generally speaking can the worms normally feed on anything that has ever been alive and is now in the process of decomposing. So dog food would make no difference unless it has some ingredients that would be harmful to a worm population.

Worms don't have teeth and therefore it is much easier for them to feed on soft materials than on hard ones. So if you would desire to feed your worms with hard dog pellets it would be advisable to soak them for a while in warm water before you add them to your worm bin to soften them up for the worms.

I am curious why you would want to feed dog food to your worms as they are usually quite happy with lots of plain waste products which are usually available free of charge!?

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of: "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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