Can I keep a worm farm in my basement? How to keep worms from freezing? Feeding only bread?

by Kenny

Mature compost worm

Mature compost worm

I live in a cold/warm climate. I was wondering if it was possible to start a worm farm in my basement. How would i keep the temperature warm during the cold season?
Also would my worms be healthy just eating bread?

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Dec 02, 2019
Re: Can I keep a worm farm in my basement? How to keep worms from freezing? Feeding only bread?
by: Stephan

Hello Kenny,

yes it is absolutely possible to keep a worm farm indoors for example in a basement. However you will have to make sure that the worm bin is protected against extreme temperatures. For more information on the subject I suggest you have a look at my article about worm composting in cold temperatures.

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Although compost worms can live for a while on very basic food like old newspaper bedding it is not advisable to feed them only with bread. Firstly it can become very hard if drying out which would make it very difficult for the worms which don't have any teeth to consume the bread.

Secondly it is better for worms as well as the finished worm compost to rather add a variety of food items to your worm farm.

For more information about worm food and feeding worms have a look at my following 2 articles that are dealing with the subjects.

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Those articles should give you a good overview about worm food for domesticated compost worms and assist you to get your worm composting project of the ground.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards and God bless.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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