Can I get worms in Saudi Arabia?

by Jim
(Saudi Arabia)

Comment: I have a compost and need some worms. I live in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and have not yet seen one in my garden although I have lived here for nearly a year.
Are compost worms native and can I get worms here?


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Dec 16, 2016
re: worms in Saudi Arabia
by: Stephan

Hi Johann,

I don't know of any suppliers of worms in Saudi Arabia and believe you might have to try and import some. Although compost worms can be found on all continents the climate will probably to hot for compost worms to live in a garden in Saudi Arabia in the summer. They can handle temperatures to about 30 degrees Celsius and when their habitat becomes hotter that that they will either try to flee from it or die. If you can get hold of worms you could possibly try to start a worm farm indoors in a climatised room and compost your waste this way.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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