Can I feed rabbit droppings to my worms

by Stephan

We received the following message from Deryn!

Hi Stephan,

Just to let you know the worms have arrived safely in Paarl and are in their new home! Must I leave them "settle in" for a couple of days or can I start feeding them small amounts straight away?

Please can you also let me know if it is fine to put rabbit droppings in the worm farm, and also whether small amounts of straw and sawdust (also from the rabbits) is OK.

Thanks so much for a wonderful service,

Have a great weekend,


Hello Deryn,

I am glad to hear that your worms are fine.

You can add some food straight away if you like.
Rabbit droppings are fine as well as saw dust and straw. But it should be moist.

For more information go to my website It has a lot of information and should help you with most of your questions concerning worm composting. If you have further questions you can post them there on the contact forms that are attached to most pages.

All the best and happy worming


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