Can I add cooked fish to my worm bin?

by Lily
(Sofía, Bulgaria)

Hi Could I add the skin from a cooked fish to my worm bin?
We eat a lot of fish in oil and wanted to try and add the skin to the bin as it seems like a wast to throw it away. Do you think if I wash the oil and salt of it will work?

BTW whoever said that adding fish to the soil is bad is an idiot. There are commercially sold fish fertilizers because it enriches the soil.

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May 23, 2020
Re: Can I add cooked fish to my worm bin?
by: Stephan

Hello Lily,

nice to hear from you and greetings to Bulgaria.

Yes I see no big problems adding fish skins to your worm bin.

As a precaution I suggest you dig a shallow hole/trench into the bedding of your worm bin and add the fish skins into the hole. Then cover the skins with the bedding again. This will prevent the skins from producing bad odors into their environment which might attract rodents and flies.

Just as you suggested wash the salt and excess oil off before adding the fish skins to your worm bin.

Wishing you lots of success with your worm composting project.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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