by Demaris
What is good worm bedding?
Hi Demaris, a good worm bedding should be ph neutral, allow lots of air in the worm bin, be inexpensive and ideally being nutritious to worms as well.
We found both shredded or torn newspapers and corrugated cardboard to make excellent worm bedding. it is vital though that the materials are moist to enable to live in them as worms don't have lungs and are breathing through their skin. Dry materials can stick through their skin and suffocate them.
Another good worm bedding is compost as long as it is not acidic which can be harmful to worms.
To learn more about worm bedding check out my article about the subject at the following URL:
I wish you all the best for your worm composting and recycling project.
Kind regards
Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"
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