Are you sure it takes 24 hours to brew worm tea?

by Antonio
(Hollister, CA)

Look what I got after only a few hours of brewing. Are you sure it takes 24-36 hours?

Answer: Hello Antonio,

we usually brew not more than 24 hours, depending on the amounts of castings, water and molasses. Other variables can be the temperature and the strength of the air pump you one uses for the production.

If you are happy with your worm tea after a few hours of brewing there would be no harm in using it.

It might be interesting for you to make two different batches brewed for different length of times and applied to similar patches of plants.

This way you could compare the success rates of germination and growth over a period of time.

I wish you lots of success.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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