Ants, Ants, ants in my worm farm

by Antony
(Somerset West, RSA)

Worm farm island! Prevents ants from entering

Worm farm island! Prevents ants from entering

Hi there

I sent you an email today regarding tiny ants that are now taking over the worm farm. How do I get rid of them? Will they eat the worms?


Hello Antony,

thank you for your message. Most ants are not dangerous to your worms but will compete with them for parts of the food that you have supplied for them.

Ants are not fond of wet environments so one way to encourage them to leave your worm bin is to add a lot of water to the bin.

An even better way to prevent ants to enter your worm bin in the future is to place your worm farm in a place that they cant reach.

Have a look at the site map of I've written an detailed article that explains how one can protect worms from ant invasion.

I hope this will help you. If you have further questions please feel free to come back to me.

Kind regards and all the best for your recycling project.


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