Worms convert junk mail into rich natural plant food

Worms convert junk mail into natural soil conditioner. Did you ever wonder what to do with all those unwanted pamphlets 

and advertising flyers you find all the time in your post box at home or at work?

I am not talking about unwanted emails and other spam that you receive on your PC or Laptop here but rather about the paper advertising flyers that are still distributed widely by commercial companies, estate agents and local fast-food chains to name just a few.

For years I found them just plain irritating because I am not the kind of guy that is into retail therapy and is checking out what's on offer by the retail trade and just dispensed all the printed advertising into our trash bin. 

Worms convert junk mail

However, in the times where we have to look more consciously on our carbon footprint and help to recycle valuable organic materials as much as we can I looked for other ways to deal with all the paper ads we receive. This is where my passion for worm composting came in handy. Worms convert junkmail and other waste paper into nutrient rich soil conditioner

Fresh junk mail in a worm binFresh advertising flyers in a worm bin
Junk mail being eaten by compost wormsThe same paper just a few days later

Worms enjoy feeding on paper and they don't really care if you give them an old paper bag, a newspaper or and unwanted advertising flyer. Throw it in a worm bin and hungry worms will take care of it. The 2 pictures above show the results of some papers just being in a worm bin for 4 days. Watch the right half of the white paper on the right already being partially devoured and the bunch of worms just right of the center of the picture busy munching on the surface.

So, if you have a worm bin and you want to recycle your unwanted post box content environmentally friendly feed it to your worms. You will keep more space in your trash can and the worms will convert those pamphlets and flyers into great plant food and soil conditioner for you. It's a win win situation.

Enjoy your day be blessed and

Happy worming :-)

Learn more about worm food

How to feed worms

Worms eat dog poop

What will worms eat? Find it out and look at the

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