Worm business directory Madagascar


The worm business directory Madagascar is for all those garden- and recycling enthusiasts that want to start to convert their garden- and kitchen scraps into nutrient rich worm castings.

If you want to stop adding organic waste to your dirt bin and help to reduce the production of greenhouse gases on landfill sites than the worm business directory is here to help you find a supplier in your country and hopefully even your local city!


Massive bait worm

Worm businesses in Madagascar.


Appoin - Supplier of bait worms from Madagascar.


If you would like to share about your worm farming experiences or ask a question please fill in the form below.

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10 good reasons to start a worm farm


How to build a worm farm at home


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Concerned conservationist about Worm composting in Madagascar 
Hi I am researching about the extent of vermicomposting; worm farming for the use of composting, in Madagascar. Is the practice widely spread? …

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

Order a printed copy from "Amazon" for only


or a digital version from the "Kindle" store for only


Prices valid till 31.03.2025

How worms recycle human manure