SA Worm Farms
Worm farming and consulting since 1998
Cape Town - South Africa

"SA Worm Farms" ship worm farms throughout South Africa.

Contact: 074 097 83 26


Our competitive Worm farm prices include:

  • Your fully functional Worm Farm 
  • FREE Starter Batch of Worms (+/-500) 
  • FREE Expert Advise 
  • FREE Access to Troubleshooting Help line 
  • FREE Set Up instructions 
  • FREE Maintenance instructions

Have a look below at some of the worm farms in our range!

"SA Worm Farms" and the world of vermiculture / worm farming!


"Vermiculture is a composting process that uses worms and micro-organisms to convert organics into nutrient-rich humus"


  • Grow fantastic organic veggies, roses, or have a lush green lawn?
  • Recycle kitchen, garden or other organic waste?
  • Produce your own organic fertilizer?
  • Buy a worm bin (wormery)?
  • Breed earthworms?



You too can make a difference to our environment. Use Vermiculture to convert all kinds of organic waste to nutrient rich soil enhancing organic fertilizers.

The Mini Tower worm farm is ideal for a 2 to 3 person household and costs:

R995 if collected at our workshop in Goodwood or

R1295 including postage to any town within South Africa

Fill in the Order page below

The Midi Tower worm farm is ideal for a 3 to 4 person household and costs:

R1195 if collected at our workshop in Goodwood or

R1595 including postage to any town within South Africa

Fill in the Order page below

Our range of worm farms and accessories!

We produce an excellent range of domestic worm farms and industrial sized worm farms. All products are easy to maintain, will help you to reduce organic waste. With our worm bins as well known as worm factories you will be able to produce worm castings and worm tea, which are excellent organic fertilizers and soil conditioners. Our products are locally produced, adaptable to your personal needs and very competitively priced. Each wormery we produce will be supplied with earthworms and set up instructions.

All products will be posted or delivered to any location within South Africa.

Worm composting consulting

If you are want to start a worm composting project for your business, guesthouse, hotel, farm, smallholding, corporate

kitchen, restaurant or your municipal landfill but don't know where to start?

We can help you! We can assist you with an individual worm composting plan tailored to your personal needs.

Consulting fees start from as little as R 300!

Contact us and draw from our experience of more than 20 Years in the field of worm farming!

Order Form SA Worm Farms

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.


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Making money with earthworms


10 reasons to start a worm bin


worm farming a sustainable business idea

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

Order a printed copy from "Amazon" for only


or a digital version from the "Kindle" store for only


Prices valid till 31.03.2025

How worms recycle human manure