Princess Dirt
Worm composting and Gardening

Princess Dirt is a home-based vermiculture business from Alberta Canada, raising red wiggler composting worms and their castings for sale. Worms are available by the pound and half pound. 

Application of vermicast, the all-natural soil amendment produced by the worms is available for your garden. In business since 2014. 

Princess Dirt

Contact details


City: Okotoks

State/Prov: Alberta

Country: Canada




Making money with earthworms


10 reasons to start a worm bin


worm farming a sustainable business idea

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

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Prices valid till 31.03.2025

How worms recycle human manure