The book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" is my way to share my knowledge of more than 19 years as a private and commercial worm farmer.

The author of the book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" harvesting worms from a bulk bedThe author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" harvesting worms from a bulk bed

The book was written for people from all walks of life. People that are looking for a new challenge, an additional source of income,  or the opportunity to start their own sustainable business! The book has been received very well and has produced a lot of very satisfied readers.

Follow this link to see what verified customers had to say.

  • No matter where you stay,
  • what color your skin,
  • what kind of education you have
  • or how little capital you've got to get started,

The book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" can help you to make money and generate a consistent income for your family!

If you are unemployed and are struggling to find work, why not use this opportunity to start your own business.

There are lots of potential markets for your worms, worm bins, worm castings and worm tea.

Nurseries,  Gardeners, Landscapers, Pet shops, Zoos, Bird keepers, Fishermen and Fishing clubs, Restaurants, Guest houses, Hotels, Schools, Property developers, Old Age homes, Municipalities have all been clients of us and other worm farmers.

The demand for worms, the recycling of organic waste they do and the fertilizers they produce is constantly growing.

You will learn how to build a range of commercial worm farms like those in this image.You will learn how to build a range of commercial worm farms like those in this image.

I was unemployed for several years in Germany and began to doubt myself and my abilities? I felt like a failure and the chances of getting a decent job where towards "Zero"

Then I got a batch of compost worms and they multiplied and multiplied and multiplied! I have sold probably millions of worms by now but never had to buy a single worm apart from the 1st batch I got more than 15 years ago.

My worm business has paid:

  • for my car, 
  • my bond, 
  • my living expenses and 
  • yes even some overseas trips to visit friends and family from time to time.

I am certainly no genius and if I could make it happen, you can make it happen!

A batch of compost wormsA batch of compost worms

Worms can be the best employees you can imagine!

  • Worms are converting kitchen waste and additional organic materials into valuable worm castings a nutrient rich plant food and soil conditioner.
  • They neither mourn nor complain and don't stop working on public holidays.

The book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" covers all you need to know to become a successful commercial worm farmer.

Have a look at the Table of contents below!

How to start
a profitable worm business
on a
shoestring budget


  • Can  one really make money with earthworms?



  • How much space is required?
  • What will I need to get started?



  • The 4 basic components you'll need to start a   worm business:

  • Worm bedding
  • What can be used as bedding
  • How can it be obtained or prepared

  • Worm food

  • What do worms eat
  • Where to get worm food
  • How to get worm food for free
  • Getting paid for collecting worm food
  • How to prepare the food

  • Worm bins /boxes /farms
  • What are worm bins
  • What requirements do they have to fullfil
  • The different kinds of worm bins on a worm farm

  • Worms
  • What kind of worms should be used
  • Amazing multiplication of worms
  • Breeding cycle of compost worms 
  • How to get hold of worms
  • Different ways to harvest worms



  • Protection against extreme temperatures
  • Protection against the sun
  • Protection against flooding
  • Protection in Summer
  • Protection in Winter



  • Potential predators of compost worms
  • How protect worms from their natural                              enemies



  • Creatures that might live or invade a worm farm
  • How to deal with other worm farm residents



  • When worms want to escape
  • Acidity in worm farms
  • Overcrowded worm bins
  • Worms migrate in wet weather
  • A simple way to rescue worms from the sun



You will learn how to harvest worm castings (worm poop) which the worms produce in abundance and package and sell it with high profit margins.You will learn how to harvest worm castings (worm poop) which the worms produce in abundance and package and sell it with high profit margins.
  • An amazing natural plant food and soil conditioner
  • How to harvest and package worm castings



You will learn how to produce and bottle worm tea which is a valuable liquid plant food and natural pesticideYou will learn how to produce and bottle worm tea which is a valuable liquid plant food and natural pesticide
  • Liquidized worm castings
  • Positive attributes of worm tea
  • How to brew worm tea



  • Detailed list of many potential markets for your business
  • Markets for worms
  • Markets for worm farms
  • Markets for fertilizer mixes
  • Markets for worm castings
  • Markets for worm tea
  • Markets for worm tea brewing kits
  • Potential wholesale and retail markets
  • Making money online


Learn how to raise and package big worms as bait for freshwater fishingLearn how to raise and package big worms as bait for freshwater fishing
Fishing bait worms packaged in an attractive box ready for sale.Fishing bait worms packaged in an attractive box ready for sale.
  • How to package and sell your products
  • Worms for worm farms
  • Worms for freshwater fishing
  • Bottling worm tea
  • Worm casting bags and labels
  • Producing your own range of commercial worm bins


  • Choosing a business name and developing some promotional material
  • Finding out who your competitors are and what products, services and prices they offer
  • How to find potential customers     
  • Entering the market
  • Internet marketing with or without a website
  • The backbone of a business website
  • Interacting with potential customers



  • Choosing the right way to deliver your products
  • Making sure your worms arrive alive



  • Choosing the right payment terms





  • Set up and maintenance instructions for 2- and 3 tier worm farms





Although already a multimillion Dollar / Euro industry the demand for worms is still outstripping the supply and there are still many markets that haven't even been touched yet.

Once you have worked through the book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" you should be able to:

  1. Raise and multiply earthworms
  2. Build your own functional and commercially marketable worm farm(s)
  3. Know what to feed your worms and where to get the food for very little money or possibly for free
  4. Protect your worms against the elements and their natural predators
  5. Produce and harvest worm castings (potentially the world’s richest organic fertilizer)
  6. Produce worm tea and worm leachate (liquidized worm castings) 
  7. Know how to package, price, brand and deliver your worms and worm related products
  8. Offer work-shops to the public and potential clients that explain the basics of worm composting
  9. Build a range of commercially marketable worm farms
  10. Market your worm farms, worms, worm castings and worm tea to millions of potential customers, i.e. nurseries, garden centers, fishermen, gardeners, pet owners, private households (that want to recycle their food and garden scraps), restaurants, guesthouses, hotels, zoos...! The list goes on and on!
  11. Generate an income and run a profitable worm farming business

If you are looking for an affordable way to generate extra income from your home or backyard than worm farming can be a great solution for you! The industry is still growing and

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

will teach you all you need to know to get your profitable business of the ground and generate an income for you and your family.


the Paperback book

How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget


or the

Kindle Version here

Backside Cover of the Book
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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Worm composting for retired people


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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


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"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

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How worms recycle human manure